Sunday I got to church early because it was my week to volunteer. Someone asked me the other day if I was "that overly happy greeter girl that welcomes you to church on Sunday mornings"...HAHA!! I'm not sure I would say, "overly happy" but I am excited to welcome people to church on Sundays.
Anyways- Pastor started a series called the "HEALER" and it didn't disappoint. He spoke from Isaiah 53:1-6. He preached that you do not believe Jesus if you do not esteem his death in your life. WOW! Mike's parents came to Elevation for the first time and they seemed to really enjoy it as well.
After church, Mike and I took the dogs for a walk before heading to his grandparents house.
Here are the beautiful lilies that Mike bought me on Easter :)
We drove to Fort Mill for lunch/dinner at his grandparents house. We ate around 2:30pm, but the meal was so big it took the place of lunch and dinner. The food was awesome and I thought Mike was going to have to roll me out of the house. His grandparents invited their neighbors over as well so we all had a great time (their neighbors are hilarious). His grandpa took me around the yard and showed me all the flowers/plants he had planted and all the bird houses...too cute!! He has actually done an awesome job with the yard and I was very impressed. After taking a few pictures, it was time to head home. When we got home, we decided to head out for another walk since we just ate all that yummy food.
We are so blessed and Easter was a great reminder of it!!
Me, Mike & his cute grandparents (that have been married for 48 yrs!)
Gosh, his grandparents look super young!
Love the lilies btw!
Mike is so good to you :)
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