Saturday, November 24, 2012


O'Malley has been living with us (again) for the past week and it's been such a treat. We love that dog but knew it was best to let my parents keep him after he lived with them for over a year.
Mom and dad headed to Em's house for Thanksgiving so they dropped the dog off last weekend.
There have been so many people up at the lake house over the last week, O'Malley has been in heaven! He has probably gotten more people food, less walks and dare I saw less attention but I think he has had a good stay.
He is the protector of Anderson and always has to be laying near him. It stems from jealousy I'm sure, but it's still sweet.
We will miss O'Malley when he goes home tomorrow. But I'm glad we are back in Charlotte so we can see him a lot more often.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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